Flower Delivery in Blackpool
Same Day Delivery
Same day deliveries must be received by 1PM GMT, orders received after this time will be delivered the next working day.
Delivery Days
We deliver flowers from 9.00am to 5.30pm, Monday to Saturday. Delivery for Sunday orders to be placed by 17.00 Saturday .
Delivery Charges
Local delivery charges are calculated depending on the post-code of recipient:
Marton, Fy4
Ansdell, Bispham, Central, North Shore, Fy1, Fy2, Fy3, St Annes,
Carlton, Anchorsholme, Cleveleys, Fy5, Fy8, Little Plumpton, Little Thornton, Lytham, Lythan St Annes, Peel, Rossall, Singleton,
Staining, Stanah, Thornton, Thornton Cleveleys, Weeton, Westby,
Ballam, Fy6, Great Plumpton, Poulton, Wrea Green
Elswick, Esprick, Fleetwood, Freckleton, Fy7, Great Eccleston, Greenhalgh, Hambleton, Kirkham, Larbreck, Little Eccleston,
Newton With Scales, Out Rawcliffe, Stalmine, Staynall, Thistleton, Warton, Wesham,
Interflora delivery costs are as follows:
- Same Day Delivery between 8am - 6pm: £9.00
- Next Day Between 8am - 6pm: £7.00
- Morning Guaranteed before noon: £11.00
- Afternoon Guaranteed between 12pm - 6pm: £11.00
Unfortunately we are not able to provide specific chosen time delivery guarantees. (Except funeral orders).
We will always endeavour to deliver your design to the recipient but if they are out rest assured, we will try and leave them with a neighbour or in a safe place out of view, always leaving a calling card for them to find the flowers. If by any chance we cannot leave them, we will bring them back to the shop and wait to hear from the recipient and arrange for collection or re-delivery.
Delivery Areas
Blackpool, Lytham St Annes, Thornton Cleveleys, Fleetwood, Hambleton, Great Eccleston , Little Eccleston , Elswick, Thornton, Poulton Le Fylde, Cleveleys, Out Rawcliffe, Singleton, Esprick, Greenhalgh, Wesham, Kirkham, Great Plumpton, Little Plumpton, Staining, Weeton, Warton, Freckleton.
Deliveries to other FY6, PR3 & PR4 areas are possible by prior agreement.
International delivery is available on request. For more information and to place your order, please call the shop.
Click and Collect
You can place an order online and select to collect the order from our shop. When ordering please specify morning or afternoon collection.